Succulent Gardening Indoors with Kelly

Have you always wanted the accent piece to wow your guests, and use as a conversation starter? Look no further! Here are a few tips on how make an easy, gorgeous bowl of succulents out of a Crescen...

Perk Up your Pots with Container Gardening!

You have spent your hard-earned money on soil, plants and fertilizer, and cared for them for months. Don’t give up on them now just because they look tired. Depending on the part of the country you...

America In Bloom - The Future is Bright

America In Bloom: The Future Is Bright

America in Bloom (AIB) recently hosted its annual symposium in St. Louis, Missouri this September, where towns from all over the US met to share their garden successes and collaborate. AIB is an or...

Using Pots To Grow Your Garden Plants

Using Pots To Grow Your Garden Plants

When Joni Mitchell came out with the song ‘Big Yellow Taxi’ in the late 1970s, she sang that “They paved paradise, put up a parking lot”. People all over the world were nodding their heads at the dire concern that trees would be removed, placed in museums, and the...

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Everybody Loves The Flower Girl:  Meet The Boutique Gardener

Everybody Loves The Flower Girl: Meet The Boutique Gardener

“Liv, do what you love and the money will come.” When you were younger what did you dream of doing when you grew up? Maybe you still are dreaming about your future and what your career path will look like. What are the steps to reaching that dream, and will following...

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Container Gardening 101: Basic tips for Beautiful Gardens

Container Gardening 101: Basic tips for Beautiful Gardens

The Ten Commandments of Container Gardening Ok, boys and girls, it’s time to gather ‘round for a lesson on container gardening for beginners. Put on your best overalls and finest gardening gloves, pull up your wheelbarrow to the potting shed and sit back on your...

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Summertime Blooms on a Budget

Summertime Blooms on a Budget

Planting is a pleasure and a pretty addition to any downtown, but sometimes it can be expensive and challenging depending on the season. We’re here to share a story of a project made with beautiful container arrangements that were created without counting cents, and...

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Summer Plant Recipe: Go Big and Go Bold

Summer Plant Recipe: Go Big and Go Bold

Sometimes you just need to go big and go bold with your container gardens. Whether it’s breaking up the empty space on a wall or creating an outdoor seating area, our Ellis planters are an easy way to define or redefine open spaces. And with summer weather you’ll need...

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