Succulent Gardening Indoors with Kelly

Have you always wanted the accent piece to wow your guests, and use as a conversation starter? Look no further! Here are a few tips on how make an easy, gorgeous bowl of succulents out of a Crescen...

Perk Up your Pots with Container Gardening!

You have spent your hard-earned money on soil, plants and fertilizer, and cared for them for months. Don’t give up on them now just because they look tired. Depending on the part of the country you...

America In Bloom - The Future is Bright

America In Bloom: The Future Is Bright

America in Bloom (AIB) recently hosted its annual symposium in St. Louis, Missouri this September, where towns from all over the US met to share their garden successes and collaborate. AIB is an or...

Growing Microgreens In Planters

Growing Microgreens In Planters

Looking for some easy vegetables to grow? And would you like the option of growing vegetables indoors? Calling mighty microgreens to the rescue! Mighty Microgreens Microgreens are tiny, tender, flavorful seedlings of vegetables and/or herbs.  Studies show they can be...

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What Plants To Grow To Use For Cooking

What Plants To Grow To Use For Cooking

Is Mastering the Art of French Cooking your go-to cookbook, or are you an instinctive chef that creates delicious dishes on the fly? Do you aspire to compete on “Top Chef,” or are you constantly looking for inspiration when you open the refrigerator? Whether you’re a...

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How To Plant Vegetables In Containers

How To Plant Vegetables In Containers

How to Grow a Container Vegetable Garden   Do you adore fresh vegetables—but lack garden space? Do you dream of delicious bruschetta created from tasty, rich tomatoes and sweet basil? If you love homegrown vegetables, herbs, and fruit but lack a garden plot, grow your...

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How To Grow Your Own Herbs

How To Grow Your Own Herbs

An Herb Garden In a Planter   If you are a beginner gardening, consider growing herbs to start off your gardening experience by planting herbs in pots. Herbs have been a part of our history and culture since before history was recorded. Whether you are growing herbs...

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Top Plants to Grow in the Summer Heat

Top Plants to Grow in the Summer Heat

“Gardening is a long road, with many detours and way stations, and here we all are at one point or another. It's not a question of superior or inferior taste, merely a question of which detour we are on at the moment. Getting there (as they say) is not important; the...

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No Space? No Problem with Container Gardening

No Space? No Problem with Container Gardening

Problem Solving With Pots It’s a problem shared from young to old, from beginner gardener to experienced horticulturist, from city dweller to the homesteader: How do you grow what you want to grow in a particular space you are given? Here are four container gardening...

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